
At Odense International School we enjoy inviting our families in to share our learning experiences or just to socialise. During a child’s Primary School years, families are invited to enjoy our musical winter and summer concerts, theatre performances, a picnic, end of term assembly, and more.

On-Site Visits and Knowledge Sharing

We encourage parents who can share their professional knowledge or other experiences with us. We have fond memories of visits to the University of Southern Denmark’s Department of Biology, Roulunds Braking, and to a family garden to study beehives. We have also learned Bollywood dancing and meditation.

In September 2019, we hosted the first-ever Family Community Night, which gave our international families the opportunity to meet various sporting, cultural, and hobby clubs geared towards children in Odense. International Community Odense continue to host this event annually.

Parents Association

We encourage two parents from each class to volunteer as class representatives. Once or twice a year the representatives meet with the class teachers and leadership team to discuss how we can work together to support a great atmosphere and social interaction both on and off our campus.

Parents are encouraged to arrange class events and parties or support other wellbeing initiatives at OIS. One year, two parents arranged a book fair! Parents are always welcome to offer their support on special events, such as when OIS hosts the DISNAC Primary Cross Country and Touch Rugby tournaments or on ‘Primary Winter Hygge Night’.