Application Process

The below information outlines the steps of the application process, as well as the required documentation.

Step 1: Enquire

Submit a free enquiry to check for availability. Please follow this link, fill in the required information, and click "Proceed to Enquiry".

Step 2: Submit an Application Online & Schedule a Tour

Please submit an application online here, pay the application fee, and book a place on one of our scheduled school tours by emailing our admissions officer.

Step 3: Upload Required School & Supporting Documentation

While filling out your application, please also submit the following required documents in OpenApply:

  • Applicants for P1 need to submit a reference letter and school readiness report from their previous kindergarten. Applicants for P2–S10 need to submit progress/school reports for the last two academic years,
  • Applicants for P2–S10 need to submit a reference letter from their current school in which the class teacher gives their assessment of the following: academic skills, social skills, and possible types of learning support,
    • Academic skills: the student’s performance according to year level in the core subjects; language of instruction, maths, science. If the language of instruction is not English, please also provide an assessment of the student’s English language skills,
    • Socials skills: What is the student’s relationship to their peers and teachers,
    • Learning support: Has the student been offered and/or received any type of learning support while at the school, such as: behavioural, social, emotional, and language support.

Step 4: Application Review

Your application and required documentation have been submitted and will be reviewed by our admissions team, including all information outlined above. The admissions team meets twice monthly to consider new applications.

Step 5: Admissions Decision

There are three possible outcomes:

1. If your child’s application is successful and we have available places in the appropriate class, we will offer you a place at our school.

When you accept the offer and the agreed upon starting date, you will pay a deposit to secure your child’s place. See payment information here.

If your child does not start at the agreed time, the deposit cannot be refunded. See conditions here.

2. If your child’s application is successful but we do not have a place available in the appropriate class, your child will join our waiting pool. 

3. If we do not believe the applicant would benefit from an educational programme at OIS, or OIS is not able to meet their educational needs, your application will be declined. (The application fee is nonrefundable, even if we are not able to offer your child a place at OIS.)