Odense International School in the News

From time to time our school makes it to print. Here is a selection of articles featuring OIS.

Odense International School: The Quirky Playground for Inquisitive Minds

Odense International School is the epitome of Danish values and forward thinking ingrained in education., located in the heart of Odense, Denmark. Read more from The Knowledge Review here.

With 185 Students, Odense International School Is Growing

As the local economy becomes more international, the school is growing and teaching students to become responsible, global citizens.
Read more from the 22 October 2019 profile in OTOWN.

Touch Rugby as an International Kit

OIS hosted the Danish International School Network's annual touch rugby tournament, in which 250 students from eight schools across Denmark participated.
Read more from fyens.dk here.

Back to School: Students Streaming into Odense International School

Student numbers grow to 180 by the start of the 2018–2019 school year, years earlier than planned.
Read more from fyens.dk here. 

An International, Homely, and Quirky Learning Environment

A look at the establishment and growth of Odense International School from the well-established Danish school, Henriette Hørlücks Skole.
Read more from SCAN Magazine here. 

Out and About: Quelle Diversité at French Theatre Festival at International School Odense

Celebrating French culture with theatre and the Institut français of Denmark.
Read more from The Copenhagen Post here.